Monday, August 27, 2007

Glendale Presbyterian Church August 2007

Celebration in the Pursuit of the Other


Detroit Mark said...

Nick, Good stuff. Thanks for advocating for the other inside each of us and in our communities. Your sermon reminds me a lot of a message I preached last year at a local Presbyterian Church. I'll try to upload it to my blog so you can see how we think alike.

Anonymous said...

Needless to say I am thoroughly impressed and deeply proud of you! It's been amazing to watch your journey thus far, and I can see your future is wide open.
Great job with the teaching; from a homiletical standpoint, I could sense the congregation was engaged and challenged, and that you truly felt the Words in the Text.
My prayer for you is that Fuller will continue to sharpen your skills, and pour gasoline on the fire in your heart...